Past Trainings
(Stay tuned. These will come around again!)

Yoga in Bold(TM)
The Art of Asana for Every Size
20-hour training
with Susan Somers-Willett
March 22-24, 2019
Friday 6:00pm-8:30pm
Saturday and Sunday
8:00am-12:00pm & 1:30pm-5:30pm
Friday only $25
Friday and Saturday only $175
Full weekend $325
University of Oregon
Gerlinger Hall, Room 219
15th & University
Eugene, OR 97403
Yoga in Bold explores the physical, social, and emotional aspects of what every experienced yoga teacher should know: teaching to students of every size with a body-positive focus. Considering that nearly 40% of Americans are obese, yoga teachers can serve more students if we re-think our assumptions about size, ability, and health.
In this 20-hour course, we will explore the anatomy of bigger bodies and experience asana instruction for differently-abled groups, including flow and chair-based yoga practices. You will learn how to offer props, suggest insightful modifications, and cue yoga poses in ways that empower students of many shapes and sizes in mixed public classes. Most importantly, we will unpack the emotionally charged messages we receive about the value of bigger bodies, shattering myths surrounding the cultural politics of fat and deconstructing weight bias in medical and wellness industries.
Yoga in Bold prepares you to create a safe, welcoming, and body-positive environment for yoga students of every size. Come prepared to challenge old assumptions and to help your students embrace where their bodies are right now.
Friday 6-8:30pm: Introduction to Yoga in Bold
In this introductory session, we will discuss the specific needs of yoga students with bigger bodies and begin to unpack the cultural politics of fat and the messages we receive about size in medical and wellness industries. Be prepared to investigate assumptions about the links between ability, size, and health in a safe and understanding environment. Both yoga teachers and students are welcome.
Saturday 8-12pm, 1:30-5:30pm: The Anatomy of Bigger Bodies and Practicing Yoga for Every Size
In this day-long session, we will discuss the anatomical needs and abilities of bigger-bodied yogis, with the understanding that not one size fits all. We will explore practical approaches to asana (forward folds, backbends, twists, balancing postures) and how to make poses available to yogis of different sizes and abilities. In the afternoon, we’ll engage in an all-levels Hatha practice with the bigger body in mind. This session is open to yoga teachers and students who wish to engage in an empowering, body-positive practice.
Sunday 8-12pm, 1:30-5:30pm: Yoga in Bold: The Art of Teaching Asana for Every Size
In this final session developed specifically for yoga teachers, we will explore body-positive languaging and sequencing for yogis of every size in public classes. Putting these language skills into action, you will learn how to offer props and modifications in ways that are empowering and affirming. We will end the day with another asana practice using chairs, and you will develop a yoga sequence appropriate for yoga students of every size.

A writer, teacher, mom, and global traveler, Susan Somers-Willett has many roles, but her favorite one is helping yoga practitioners embrace the wisdom of their own experience. Her diverse and inclusive approach to practice—that yoga is for everybody and every body—inspires her teaching, which ranges from challenging, lyrical Hatha flow to regulation of the nervous system through yin and restorative practices. Susan offers yoga as an act of radical self-acceptance, and she is passionate about making yoga accessible and empowering through specialized practices including prenatal and postnatal yoga, yoga for bigger bodies, trauma-informed yoga, gender-sensitive yoga, and other inclusive modes. Susan is a graduate of Yoga Yoga’s RYT-500 and PRYT programs as well as Sundara’s Trauma-Informed Yoga Therapy program, and she has over two decades of academic teaching experience at the university level. She currently teaches Gender Studies at The University of Texas at Austin and marries yoga and social justice through her passion project, Yoga in Bold™. Susan is also a cancer survivor and credits yoga as one of the key sources of her recovery.
Traveling from out of the Eugene area?
Need accommodations?
Tell us! We can help.
1. Email [email protected] or call Libby at 512-775-4159 with any questions you may have.
2. Registering for 300hr Yoga Alliance credit? Click HERE to complete your application materials.
3. Pay using the Venmo: look up twobirdsyogatraining / Elizabeth Cox, to secure your place in the courses.
Or, Pay by cash or check -- bring your payment to Balanced Hot Yoga: 1669 Willamette St. Eugene, OR 97401
Or, Pay with PayPal, to [email protected]
4. Congratulate yourself!
1. Email [email protected] or call Libby at 512-775-4159 with any questions you may have.
2. Registering for 300hr Yoga Alliance credit? Click HERE to complete your application materials.
3. Pay using the Venmo: look up twobirdsyogatraining / Elizabeth Cox, to secure your place in the courses.
Or, Pay by cash or check -- bring your payment to Balanced Hot Yoga: 1669 Willamette St. Eugene, OR 97401
Or, Pay with PayPal, to [email protected]
4. Congratulate yourself!
pay with venmo:

Restorative Yoga Training
with Libby Cox
Spring 2024
Location: Balanced Community Yoga
*For those who practiced during the first session we had at Gather Together Yoga : we will learn a different set of postures this time!
“May we all slow down enough, to see the way things really are.” - Judith Hanson Lasater
Restorative Yoga is a practice of active muscle relaxation. Based on Hatha Yoga, restoratives aid in restoring the nervous system to its relaxed state, and can help yoga students understand the process of caring for injury or dysfunctional / repetitive movement patterns.
Join Michele Bulgatz and Libby Cox for this 12.5-hour course on the practice and teaching of restorative yoga. Our time together will include:
with Libby Cox
Spring 2024
Location: Balanced Community Yoga
*For those who practiced during the first session we had at Gather Together Yoga : we will learn a different set of postures this time!
“May we all slow down enough, to see the way things really are.” - Judith Hanson Lasater
Restorative Yoga is a practice of active muscle relaxation. Based on Hatha Yoga, restoratives aid in restoring the nervous system to its relaxed state, and can help yoga students understand the process of caring for injury or dysfunctional / repetitive movement patterns.
Join Michele Bulgatz and Libby Cox for this 12.5-hour course on the practice and teaching of restorative yoga. Our time together will include:
- Individualized and teacher-supported restorative yoga practice, to understand the benefits of restoratives for your own nervous system and physiology
- Assisting Michele and Libby in restorative yoga class for the public, and
- Lecture and discussion of the anatomy and physiology of Restorative Yoga as taught by Judith Lasater and BKS Iyengar
- $225 full training
- $17 per credit hour to drop into Friday, or Saturday only. (Sorry, no Sunday-only participation)
- $25 to drop into led public restorative classes, Friday night 7:00-9:30pm, Saturday 4:00-6:00pm
- Drop-in classes limited to 20 students. Please pre-register!